10 Black Birds With White Bellies: Uncover the White-bellied Mystery

10 Black Birds With White Bellies: Uncover the White-bellied Mystery

Why do some black birds have white bellies? 10 Beautiful Examples! Perhaps you have spotted a black bird with a white underbelly on your garden fence, in a tree at the park, or flying out over the ocean? Black and white birds are common, but black birds with white underbellies are part of a more…

10 Birds With Big Beaks: Which are the Most Spectacular Ones?

10 Birds With Big Beaks: Which are the Most Spectacular Ones?

Beaks are a type of mouth typical to birds, with toothless jaws covered by a layer of keratin. Beaks have evolved differently for each bird species, adapting to have different functions for them and their environment: feeding (themselves and the younglings), building nests, regulating bird’s body temperature, grooming, mating, and defense. There are several categories…

10 Birds with Surprisingly Long Tail Feathers (2022 Version)

10 Birds with Surprisingly Long Tail Feathers (2022 Version)

When it comes to birds with impressively long tail feathers, the peacock is surely the first bird that springs to mind. However, when you delve deeper into the forests, jungles, and plains of the world you’ll find many species with fascinating plumage ranging from bright colors to surprisingly lengthy tail feathers. Here, we’ll look at…

15 Trees With Purple Flowers For Creating A Beautiful Oasis (2022 Updated)

15 Trees With Purple Flowers For Creating A Beautiful Oasis (2022 Updated)

There are numerous reasons to plant a tree in the landscape: to create shade, or a privacy fence, to draw birds and squirrels, or to get fruits and nuts. Or it could be simply because of the esthetic and their magnificent blooms. If you are looking for a way to make a beautiful oasis from…

10 Birds With White Stripes On Wings 2022 (Yes, They Mean Something!)

10 Birds With White Stripes On Wings 2022 (Yes, They Mean Something!)

We share our environment with these beautiful little (or sometimes pretty big) creatures, with hypnotizing plumage that mesmerizes us every time we are lucky enough to see them. From all sorts of colors, with stripes, dots, or extra feathers, these unique plumages tell us secrets about the type of bird in front of you, to…

Why Do Lizards Bob Their Heads: The Scientific Reasons Behind Lizards’ Bobbing

Why Do Lizards Bob Their Heads: The Scientific Reasons Behind Lizards’ Bobbing

Ever watched a metal concert? People there often do a motion called “head-banging”. It’s when they violently shake their heads up and down. You’ve probably seen it before. If you put that into the context of lizards, then head banging is basically what a lizard does (only at much slower speeds). The internet is full…