Black and White Feather Meaning

Black and White Feather Meaning: Spirituality, Luck, and Symbolism

If a black and white feather has fluttered into your life recently, don’t just sweep it away! Seeing a black and white feather – whether it’s stripped, dotted, or mottled – can be a sign from the universe or angels. Feathers are commonly used by angels to send signals, particularly white ones. You really can’t…

White Owl Meaning

White Owl Meaning: What Is The Spiritual Significance Of Seeing A White Owl?

What is the main feature of every myth, legend, movie, fictional story, or stories about wizards and magic? Yes, you probably guessed it right – owls! These incredible creatures are present in anything magic- and mystery-related for a reason. They are the creatures of the night, believed to have supernatural abilities, and also believed to…

Candle Flame Meaning

Candle Flame Meaning: Blue Flame, Dancing, Jumping, Flickering, Tall

For the longest time, candles and their respective flames held an important position in the society of humans. Practical, traditional, cultural, and religious use of candles has been seen in most civilizations that have existed and been built on Earth. Although candles had a practical use of lighting up the rooms at night, they also…

Dreams About Dead Relatives Meaning

Dreams About Dead Relatives (7 General Meanings And 7 Deeper Meaning)

Losing a loved one, friend, relative or parent carries a different level of pain that no one wants to experience. It can change your habits, your personality, and simply put – your life. Having a dream about your relative passing away, or a dead relative being alive in the dream is extremely stressful, especially if…

Ringing in Left Ear Meaning

The Spiritual Meaning Of Ringing In Your Left Ear: Someone Talking About You?

There’s not a person in the world that didn’t experience ringing in the ears at least once in their life. Whether your right, left or both ears were ringing, there’s likely some medical condition that has caused you to experience ringing. However, less often, the ringing in your ears may have spiritual meaning, and perhaps,…

Burning Dove Meaning

Burning Dove Meaning: Dove on Fire Meaning Spiritually

Doves can often appear in our surroundings, either as an animal or as symbols of something. Less frequently, people will dream about doves, and even less often will they see a burning dove. If you recently encountered a symbol that depicted a burning dove. It must’ve left a strong impression on you. Some complex symbols…

Mushrooms Spiritual Meaning

Mushrooms Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism (2022 Updated)

Looking back at historic and ancient cultures like those of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, we can discover that  people really held mushrooms sacred. Indo-Iranians, the Phrygian, and Thraco-Dacians (or Indo-Europeans) held mushrooms in a prominent place in their lives and saw them as symbols of fertility and immortality, but also as a source of…