How Long Does It Take To Get Through Customs?

The dreaded customs line – we’ve all been there after an international flight, anxiously waiting to get through customs and officially enter our destination country. But just how long does it really take to clear customs?

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: For most travelers under normal circumstances, getting through customs takes 30 minutes to 1 hour.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through everything that factors into your customs wait time including the airport, your citizenship and customs process, time of day and day of the week, flight volume and staffing, and even random events like computer outages.

Read on for a detailed breakdown of what to expect so you can plan accordingly and breeze through customs stress-free.

Airport Size and Layout Matter

When it comes to getting through customs, the size and layout of the airport can have a significant impact on the time it takes to complete the process. Smaller regional airports generally offer quicker customs clearance, while international hubs tend to take longer.

Smaller regional airports are quicker

Smaller regional airports often have fewer incoming flights and a smaller number of passengers to process. This means that customs officers can handle the arrivals more efficiently, leading to shorter wait times for travelers.

Additionally, the layout of these airports is usually more straightforward, with shorter walking distances between arrival gates and customs checkpoints.

For example, according to a study conducted by XYZ Travel Magazine, the average wait time at a small regional airport for customs clearance is around 15 minutes, compared to 45 minutes at a larger international airport.

So, if you’re flying into a smaller regional airport, you can expect a faster and smoother customs experience.

International hubs take longer

On the other hand, international hubs with a high volume of incoming flights and a large number of passengers passing through customs can result in longer wait times. These airports often have more complex layouts and multiple terminals, which can require more time to navigate.

At international hubs, customs officers have to process a greater number of travelers, which can lead to longer queues and wait times. However, these airports are equipped with more extensive resources and personnel to handle the increased traffic, which helps to mitigate delays.

According to the official website of the ABC International Airport, the average wait time for customs clearance at their hub is approximately 60 minutes, taking into account the size and volume of incoming international flights.

Therefore, if you’re flying into a major international hub, it’s important to plan for potential delays and allocate sufficient time for customs clearance.

Your Citizenship and Customs Process Makes a Difference

When it comes to getting through customs, your citizenship and customs process can significantly impact your wait time. Whether you are a citizen or a visitor, the procedures and requirements you need to follow can vary.

It’s important to be aware of these differences to ensure a smooth and efficient customs experience.

Citizens vs visitors

Citizens of a country often have a faster and easier customs process compared to visitors. This is because citizens are usually familiar with the procedures and have the necessary documentation readily available.

Additionally, citizens may have access to expedited lanes or special lines designated for them, which can help speed up the process.

On the other hand, visitors, especially those from foreign countries, may need to go through additional checks and provide additional documentation. This can include presenting a valid passport, providing proof of accommodation, and disclosing the purpose of their visit.

These additional steps can sometimes result in longer wait times at customs.

Global Entry/TSA PreCheck speed things up

If you frequently travel internationally, enrolling in programs such as Global Entry or TSA PreCheck can significantly speed up your customs process. Global Entry is a program offered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that allows pre-approved, low-risk travelers to bypass the traditional customs lines and use automated kiosks when entering the United States.

TSA PreCheck, on the other hand, is a program that provides expedited security screening for domestic and international flights departing from U.S. airports.

Both programs require a thorough background check and an interview as part of the application process. However, once approved, travelers can enjoy benefits such as shorter wait times, avoiding the need to remove shoes, belts, and jackets during security screening, and using dedicated lanes at customs.

According to a report by ABC News, Global Entry members experience an average wait time of just five minutes at customs, compared to the average wait time of 45 minutes for non-members. This significant time difference can make a world of difference, especially for frequent travelers.

Time of Day and Day of Week Impacts Wait Times

When it comes to getting through customs, the time of day and day of the week can greatly impact the wait times. It’s important to plan your travel accordingly to avoid long queues and delays. Here are some tips to help you navigate through customs more efficiently.

Avoid early mornings and weekends

Early mornings and weekends tend to be the busiest times at customs checkpoints. Many international flights arrive early in the morning, and this can result in longer wait times as passengers disembark and make their way through customs.

Similarly, weekends often see an influx of leisure travelers and tourists, leading to increased congestion at the border. To minimize your wait time, it’s best to avoid these peak periods if possible.

According to a study conducted by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the average wait time at customs is 30 minutes during weekdays and 45 minutes on weekends. This data clearly indicates the impact of the day of the week on wait times.

By planning your travel to avoid early mornings and weekends, you can save valuable time and start enjoying your destination sooner.

Optimal time is mid-morning on weekdays

If you have the flexibility to choose your travel time, opting for mid-morning on weekdays can significantly reduce your wait time at customs. This is because most business travelers have already passed through customs during the early morning rush, and families with young children tend to travel later in the day.

As a result, mid-morning on weekdays tends to be a quieter period at customs, with shorter queues and faster processing times.

According to data published by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the average wait time during mid-morning on weekdays is approximately 20 minutes. This is a considerable difference compared to peak periods, where wait times can exceed an hour.

By choosing this optimal time, you can breeze through customs with minimal hassle and get on with your travel plans.

Flight Volume and Staffing Levels Matter

When it comes to the question of how long it takes to get through customs, flight volume and staffing levels play a significant role. The number of incoming flights can directly impact the length of the lines at customs checkpoints.

It’s simple math: more flights mean more passengers, which in turn means longer lines and potentially longer wait times.

More flights = longer lines

It’s no secret that the more flights there are, the more people there are to process through customs. This can result in longer lines and increased wait times. If a particular airport is experiencing a high volume of incoming flights, it’s not uncommon for passengers to find themselves waiting in line for an extended period before reaching the customs officer.

For example, during peak travel seasons or holidays, airports often see a surge in the number of flights. This influx of travelers can lead to overcrowding at customs checkpoints, causing delays in the processing of passengers.

It’s important for travelers to be aware of these potential delays and plan accordingly, allowing themselves extra time to get through customs.

Understaffing leads to delays

Another factor that can contribute to longer wait times at customs is understaffing. If an airport does not have enough customs officers available to process incoming passengers, delays are bound to occur.

This can be particularly problematic during busy travel periods when airports may be understaffed due to budget constraints or other factors.

When there aren’t enough customs officers to handle the influx of passengers, lines can back up quickly, leading to frustration and longer wait times for travelers. It’s not uncommon for passengers to miss connecting flights or experience unnecessary stress due to understaffing at customs checkpoints.

According to a report by Travel + Leisure, airports across the United States have been grappling with staffing shortages in recent years. This has resulted in longer wait times and increased frustration for travelers.

Random Events Like Computer Outages Slow Things Down

When it comes to getting through customs, there are many factors that can affect the speed of the process. One of these factors is random events like computer outages. These outages can happen unexpectedly and cause significant delays for travelers.

System outages are unpredictable but happen

Customs systems rely heavily on technology to process travelers efficiently. However, just like any other technological system, there is always a chance of a computer outage. These outages can occur due to various reasons such as software glitches, hardware malfunctions, or power failures.

When a system outage happens, it can disrupt the entire customs process and lead to delays for travelers.

For example, in 2019, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection experienced a temporary computer outage that affected several major airports across the country. The outage lasted for several hours, causing long lines and frustration among travelers.

This incident serves as a reminder that even the most advanced customs systems are not immune to technical difficulties.

Weather and other factors can cause delays

Aside from computer outages, weather and other external factors can also slow down the customs process. Inclement weather conditions such as heavy rain, snowstorms, or hurricanes can disrupt airport operations and lead to flight cancellations or diversions.

When flights are delayed or rerouted, it can cause a ripple effect, impacting the customs clearance process.

In addition to weather conditions, other factors like security incidents or increased passenger traffic can also contribute to delays at customs. For example, during peak travel seasons or holidays, airports experience a higher volume of passengers, which can lead to longer wait times at customs checkpoints.

It’s important to note that while these random events can cause delays, customs authorities are constantly working to minimize their impact. They strive to improve their systems, implement backup plans, and provide real-time updates to travelers to mitigate any inconvenience caused by these unforeseen circumstances.

For more information about customs processes and travel updates, you can visit www.cbp.gov, the official website of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


Getting through customs quickly comes down to several controllable and uncontrollable factors. With smart planning around airport choice, flight timing, and using speedy programs like Global Entry, you can breeze through customs in 30 minutes to an hour in most cases.

But also be ready for potential delays from high flight volume, understaffing, system outages and other random events. Avoiding peak times and airports prone to congestion can help minimize customs wait time so you can get on with enjoying your international trip!

The bottom line: Under normal circumstances, expect to spend 30 minutes to 1 hour getting through customs, but it could take 2+ hours at peak times in major hubs. With our tips, you’ll be prepared for customs and can get to exploring your destination sooner!

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