When Does My Tsa Precheck Expire?

Going through airport security can be a headache. Long lines and shoe removals make the whole experience unpleasant. That’s why many travelers opt for TSA PreCheck, which offers expedited screening. But TSA PreCheck membership does expire eventually. So when does your TSA PreCheck status run out?

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: TSA PreCheck membership is valid for 5 years. After 5 years, you’ll need to re-apply and pay the application fee again to renew your PreCheck privileges.

TSA Precheck Expires After 5 Years

If you are a frequent traveler, you may have already experienced the convenience of TSA PreCheck. This program allows pre-approved travelers to enjoy expedited security screening at airports across the United States.

However, it is important to note that your TSA PreCheck status does have an expiration date. Generally, TSA PreCheck is valid for five years from the date of approval.

PreCheck Status Lasts 60 Months

Once you have been approved for TSA PreCheck, you can enjoy the benefits for a full 60 months. During this time, you will be able to use the dedicated PreCheck security lanes at participating airports.

This means you can breeze through the security process without having to remove your shoes, belt, or light jacket, and you can leave your laptop and liquids in your bag. It’s a time-saving perk that can make your travel experience much smoother.

Membership Must Be Renewed After Expiration

After your initial five-year period expires, you will need to renew your TSA PreCheck membership if you wish to continue enjoying the benefits. Fortunately, the renewal process is relatively straightforward. You can renew your membership online through the official TSA PreCheck website.

Just fill out the necessary information, pay the renewal fee, and you’ll be good to go for another five years.

Pro tip: It’s a good idea to keep track of your TSA PreCheck expiration date so that you can renew your membership in a timely manner. You wouldn’t want to be caught off guard and have to go through the regular security lines again, would you?

For more information on TSA PreCheck and its expiration policies, you can visit the official TSA website at www.tsa.gov/precheck.

How to Check Your PreCheck Expiration Date

Find Expiration on Your KTN Card

If you have a TSA PreCheck membership, you will have been issued a Known Traveler Number (KTN) card. This card contains important information about your PreCheck status, including the expiration date. To find your PreCheck expiration date, simply locate your KTN card and look for the expiration date printed on it.

It is usually located near the bottom of the card. If you are unable to locate your KTN card, don’t worry, there are other ways to check your PreCheck status.

Use Online Account to View Status

Another way to check the expiration date of your TSA PreCheck is by using your online account. By logging into your account on the TSA PreCheck website, you can easily view your membership status and expiration date.

If you don’t already have an online account, you can create one by providing your personal information and KTN. Once logged in, you will have access to a dashboard that displays your PreCheck status, expiration date, and other important information.

It is important to note that the expiration date of your TSA PreCheck membership may vary. Most memberships are valid for five years, but some may have shorter or longer durations. It is recommended to check your PreCheck expiration date well in advance to ensure you can renew your membership on time and continue enjoying the benefits of expedited security screening at airports across the country.

Renewing Your TSA Precheck Membership

Re-Apply Online Before Expiration

The easiest way to renew your TSA PreCheck membership is to re-apply online via the TSA PreCheck application website. You can start the renewal process up to 6 months before your current 5-year membership expires. Just log in to your existing TSA account and complete the application.

The application process is the same as when you first enrolled – you’ll need to provide personal information and pay the $85 application fee. Once approved, you’ll receive a new KTN (known traveler number) to use when booking flights.

Starting the renewal process early is recommended to avoid any lapse in benefits. Processing times can take a few weeks, so don’t wait until the last minute!

Pay Renewal Fee

The TSA PreCheck renewal fee is $85, the same as the initial enrollment cost. This fee covers your membership for the next 5 years. You can pay the fee as part of the online application process by credit card, or in-person at an enrollment center by credit card, money order, company check, or certified/cashier’s check.

Make sure to budget for this expense so you can renew on time.

Get New KTN

Once approved for renewal, you’ll be issued a new KTN. This replaces your current KTN that is about to expire. Be sure to update your KTN in your frequent flyer profiles with airlines to continue getting TSA PreCheck benefits.

You’ll also need to update your KTN in any travel reservations already booked for after your renewal date.

Once you get your new KTN, hang on to it! You’ll continue using this number for the next 5 years when booking travel. We recommend storing it somewhere safe so you have it handy when needed.

Renewing TSA PreCheck ensures you get to keep enjoying the fast, easy airport security screening benefits. Take a few minutes to re-apply online before your membership expires. This prevents any gap in eligibility and the hassle of going back through regular airport security lines.

What Happens If PreCheck Expires

When your TSA PreCheck expires, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Let’s explore what happens when your PreCheck status is no longer valid.

Lose Expedited Screening

One of the main benefits of having TSA PreCheck is the ability to breeze through security checkpoints with ease. However, when your PreCheck expires, you will no longer have access to expedited screening.

This means you will have to go through the regular security procedures like removing your shoes, taking out your laptop, and following the standard process. It can be quite frustrating to lose the convenience and time-saving benefits that come with PreCheck.

Subject to Standard Security Procedures

Without TSA PreCheck, you will be subject to the standard security procedures that all travelers must undergo. This includes going through the full-body scanner, having your bags thoroughly inspected, and potentially experiencing longer wait times.

It’s important to be prepared for these changes and allow for extra time at the airport to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.

Able to Renew at Any Time

The good news is that even if your TSA PreCheck expires, you can renew it at any time. Renewing your PreCheck is a straightforward process that involves submitting a new application and undergoing a background check.

It’s important to note that you can renew your PreCheck up to six months before it expires, so it’s a good idea to plan ahead and avoid any disruption in your expedited screening privileges.

If you’re unsure about the status of your PreCheck or need assistance with the renewal process, you can visit the official TSA website at www.tsa.gov/precheck for more information.


Keeping your TSA PreCheck current is crucial for bypassing those pesky security lines. Mark your calendar well ahead of time to renew your status before it expires after 5 years. With a few clicks online and paying the renewal fee, you can maintain your PreCheck privileges for your next 5 years of air travel.

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